SJNY Digital Accessibility 

Student in a wheelchair watching another student use his laptop.

Digital Accessibility Policy

St. Joseph’s University as part of its inclusive and transformational mission stands dedicated to providing equal opportunity to persons with disabilities in all functions of the College, including equal access to website and digital media. As the influence of information technology continues to grow on our campuses, the college remains inspired by the charism of its founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph, to sustain an atmosphere of respect, dignity and inclusiveness.

All digital content created or obtained by members of the St. Joseph’s University faculty and staff and disseminated by electronic means, subject to the exceptions stated in this policy, must be made accessible to the widest range of users, including those with the more common sensory, motor and cognitive disabilities, by adopting as a minimum all requirements of World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 standards.

The policy will be introduced in phases. This first phase includes any new digital content created or obtained, and disseminated after creation of this policy. Additional phases of the policy will include, at a minimum; remediation of content created or obtained before creation of this policy, as well as existing hardware, software and the procurement of digital products and services. This policy is a living document that will change over time as digital content changes. Policy changes will be communicated to the college community and training opportunities will be provided whenever changes to the policy take place.