Ally for Canvas

What is Anthology Ally?

Ally was adopted to increase awareness of the importance of accessibility and ADA compliance, to build the capacity of faculty in creating accessible content, and to offer greater insight at the institutional level. 

Ally helps your students get the most from their course resources, and helps you make your Canvas space inclusive for all.  Your class is full of diverse students with unique learning abilities, needs, and devices. Course content created with inclusion in mind can benefit not only your students with disclosed disabilities such as visual impairments and dyslexia, but improve the learning experience for all your students. Ally’s Alternative Formats and Instructor Feedback help make your course more inclusive for all.  

Ally is a tool available within Canvas and offers the following features:

Alternative Formats:  Ally automatically converts course files and HTML content into a variety of formats, from HTML and e-book for reading on mobile devices, to Electronic Braille for the visually impaired, and audio for learning on the go.

Accessibility Indicators with Guidance for Improvement – Available to instructors only, Ally offers an indication of the level of accessibility of your documents, along with guidance for improving the accessibility.